JESUS CHRIST CAME TO INDIA AND STAYED IN KERALA FOR 3 YEARS TO UNDERSTAND THE MEANING OF CONSCIOUSNESS, LEARN MEDITATION AND THE POWER OF THE DNA. HE WENT BACK TO JERUSALEM AND THEN MADE HISTORY . HE TOLD ALL TO UTTER HAREE OM ( REDUCED TO AMEN ) . This is a reading of Edgar Cayce. This was a nice input by my friend Ajit Amost all Quantum scientist pioneers knew Sanskr it. It is no wonder why the DANCING SHIVA statue had pride of place at the LHC hadron collider at Cern Switzerland. Nikola Tesla used Sanskrit works like Akasha for Ether/ ZPF. Here is profound Vedic knowledge about your brain and consciousness. This was at a time when the rest of the world could NOT think beyond eating, shitting, fornicating and sleeping. Since life began, the Earth has been surrounding and protecting all living things with a natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 HZ—the ancient Indian Rishis called OM. Mankind depends on two subtle environment...
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