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Three weeks ago the United Nations has declared a ban on mercury use for manufacturing medicines for commercial purpose wef January 2013.

Well what do these morons know!

This will be as difficult as describing the ocean to a frog who was born in a well and has just jumped out it.  For this frog , the well is its universe.

Sindhoor is a compound of mercury and is applied on the middle upper part of the forehead at the parting line of the hair ( maang ) of every married Hindu woman.  

Sindhoor is a compound of mercury.  Widows do NOT apply sindhoor.  This red pigment vermilion, a pure form of mercuric sulfide, is traditionally obtained by reaction of mercury ( produced by reduction from cinnabar ) with sulfur, since the past 9000 years in India.  All in India are aware of how deadly a poison Mercury is , and how even a more deadly poison a mercury vapor ion is.

You may argue , there is no mercury in India, today .  Well Kirghistan , Afghanistan and the whole of Himalayas was a part of India

The ancient Maharishis with 12 strand DNA and a king sized pineal gland did NOT have to consume Soma.
The 7000 year old Rig Veda, written in Sanskrit, has 117 hymns about a wonder elexir by the name of Soma. 

We have drunk the Soma;
We have become immortal;
We have gone to the light;
We have found the gods  

Rig Veda 8.48 - 5000 BC

According to Rig Vedic descriptions, the stalks of the Soma plant are pressed with stones to yield the juice. The juice is typically mixed with other ingredients like milk or honey before being consumed.

But what exactly is the plant Soma? Even till now, we don’t have a definite answer. Which is a shame, considering how important the plant is to Hinduism (at least back then).

The lesser Rishis and Munis consumed Soma, which contained Mercury, Iridium and Rhodium.   The mineral content in mushrooms is dependent on the content of mineral in the soil and the humus content in the soil.

Over 6% of the brain tissue by dry matter weight,  is Rhodium and Iridium. 5% of our nervous system is composed of monatomic elements.

During heightened activation the body can transmute certain palladium group elements such as Iridium and Rhodium into their high spin state by adding energy in the form of photons to the atoms.

It is through this high spin atomic nervous system that we achieve cosmic consciousness, the Maharishi mind and ESP and spiritual phenomena  Kundalini has the  effect of stimulating an increased flow of ions upping the body’s dipole and increasing the EMF. 

A cell possesses two characteristics—capacitance and inductance—which are the elements of a tuned circuit like a radio.  The cell must be tuned to the desired frequency .

The Siddhas would make Shiva Lingams with Palladium group  metals infused in mercury.  One such Mercury Shiva Lingam was found by the Templar Knights in Jerusalem under the Solomon Temple, after which they left Christianity and started worshipping  Narasimhan — the Hindu half man Half lion God, an avatar of Lord Vishnu..

Maharshi Agasta was the first to solidify mercury through the use of Kerala herbs. Images made of mercury were considered as powerful conduits for gods and goddesses to come to the earth plane.

The Siddhas also consumed purified mercury, Iridium , Rhodium  and gold in order to achieve physical immortality.  The ascended masters popularized by Madame Blavatsky of the Theosophical society are the ancient Siddhars.  

Nano particles of  high energy iridium and rhodium and iridium function so similarly that they are often called twins.  Rhodium and iridium assist in the efficiency and performance of the neural circuitry, in the synaptic connections. Using these increases clarity and discerning power of the brain.

Nowadays modern physics dabbles with iridium , as in high spin they has been shown to have antigravity capabilities, and have been tried out in levitation experiments. 

The Kundalini ascent and descent can be assisted by Palladium group metals. Rhodium serves as the downflow of energy around the spinal column, iridium serves us the upflow.  When these two are in balance, there is maximum coherence of these two energy currents. 

The two serpents coiled around a staff and surmounted by wings as the caduceus, is the symbol of Western medicine ( copied from Kundalini ) . Vedas and Indian medicine of Charaka 4200 BC have used gold and silver ion nano technology .

Nano particle crystals which are not only bio absorbable, but are bonded with hydrogen to carry out specific electrical instructions in the body, including the activation of  inert DNA.  Considering you have 97%  junk DNA and the original god made 12 strand DNA is now reduced to 2 strand DNA , you may find what I write interesting. First you need to discard Newton and Darwin in the garbage bin.

Electric current which cause  a plasma-like reaction in a chamber with inert gases and is always either neon blue or indigo . Particles are in the size range of 110 nanometers (a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter). Most of these cannot be detected by conventional analytical methods because the elements themselves "vibrate" out of the spectral range of the element.

One Siddha Guru was Maharishi Patanjali, who gifted the world the Science of Yoga.

Marco Polo came to Malabar ( Kerala ) in 1293, and has made records of Siddha alchemy.  He records a meeting he had with a group of ”yogi alchemists who, by preparing a tincture of mercury and sulfur, were afforded a lifespan of  50-200 years”.  

Siddhars had the knowledge of converting  inorganic substances into nano and  ionic form which is easily absorbed by the human cells . This is achieved by pulverising with rare herbal juices on a fire.

Mercury, is widely used in Siddha medicine.  Mercury, a killer poison, is converted into healing nectar, when properly purified and processed.  Siddhars used  Mercury not only to cure innumerable diseases, but also to rejuvenate the body and promote longevity.  

Siddhars properly processed Mercury by adding certain organic juices and subjected it to various processes of sodhana and marana before using it for medicinal preparations.   

Lord Siva is the Adi Siddha - the Primal Siddha.

The method of processing mercury for therapeutic purposes is known as RASA SUTHI in Siddha system of medicine, and was handed over by word of mouth from Lord Shiva to his wife Goddess Parvati to her son Lord Murugan to Maharishi Agastya.  Agasthya taught this science of alchemy to 18 Siddhars. 

In Hindu theology, Siddhashrama is a secret land deep in the frozen Himalayas, where great yogis, sadhus and sages who are siddhas live. The Siddhars consume the mercury based elexir, and then along with prolonged meditation and pranayama reduce the  the number of breaths they take in a period of 24 hours.

Mercury is a poison for the uninitiated  but for the initiated alchemist, who knows how to de-toxify  it and pulverize it to nano ions, it is the nectar of immortality.

Siddhars never used raw liquid Mercury as such for therapeutic purposes.  Mercury , a  deadly poison is made into an amazing elixir, Gowri Chintamani , by Siddhars using various amalgamation processes.

Rasa Suthi means, is not about mere removal of impurities from Mercury but it a secret method to remove toxicity. 

By impregnating and triturating with organic material, like juices,decoctions of herbs etc., they are made homologous to the tissue cells and their toxicity is reduced and acceptability to the cell is increased.  During this process certain organic and inorganic materials are added to Mercury, which helps to increase its medicinal efficacy and safety.

Jarana, is a method of  stadial consumption or digestion of ever increasing quantities of mica or sulfur by mercury, until mercury is de-toxified and harnessed.  This is a progressive operation, in which mercury, in successive operations, gets calcinated. At each stage in this process, the mercury gets physically and chemically altered. 

 In the first stage, where it consumes one sixty-fourth of its mass of mica,  mercury becomes rodlike (dandavat).  It next takes on the various consistencies till it become like butter.  In its final stage in which mercury swallows one-half its mass of mica, it becomes a spherical solid. 

Then in a sequence called khecari jarana,  mercury is made to absorb vast quantities of powdered gemstones, the densest substances known to man.  At the conclusion of this process, mercury takes the shape of a linga.  The alchemist who ingests this mercury is immediately transported to the realms of the gods, Siddhas, and Vidyadharas.

In alchemy, the mercury rasa substitutes itself for human bodily fluids and thereby transforms a body of flesh and blood into a golden (svarna), adamantine (vajra), or perfected body (siddha) body 


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