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Thorium - Fuel of the future

I remembered the Ian Fleming 007 James Bond book GOLD FINGER where the entire gold in Fort Knox would have been radiated , to keep it safe .

History shows that where ever costly minerals were found in Africa the poor locals lost their blood and suffered endlessly. 

Energy is the reason for terrorism and violence in Iraq , Nigeria , Libya and many other countries. 

And now Uranium and Thorium rich Somalia has joined the list too. 

Since India has the worlds best Thorium reserves, the white man is tripping over each other to offer us OBSELETE Uranium powered nuclear reactors. This is like trying to palm off a useless 20 year old MS DOS laptop to you , so that you will NOT buy the latest processor model . 

Our president Abdul Kalam had told on national television years back that India must develop Thorium based nuclear reactors. Thorium contains 150 times more energy than Uranium and is the MOST efficient combustible . It is found along with actinides Uranium and Plutonium in the Periodic table. Since Thorium is only slightly radio active , it is clean with no burden of nuclear waste disposal.

Lead derived from Thorium has higher atomic weight that lead derived from Uranium. Ordinary lead , Uranium derived lead and Thorium derived lead are physically , chemically and spectroscopically identical. Xrays which vibrate at 400000000 billion to 6000000000 times per second are chemical light phenomenon produced by Gamma rays of Uranium and Thorium.

After extraction from ore, thorium does not require energy-intensive enrichment as is the case with uranium. A thorium-powered reactor is inherently safe. It doesn't run the risk of "meltdown" or explosion nor can even a dirty bomb be created. Its nuclear reaction simply stops when its neutron exciter is turned off. 

A thorium powerpack's neutron excitor does not use radioactive flux components as conventionally done for portable systems. It works of resonant phonon pair cleavage using specifically designed nuclear lattice holo-forms (holographic waveforms) to induce neutron imbalance in a host atom where the host atom then attempts to establish "balance" through the liberation of neutrons. 

Commercial thorium powerpacks can be developed with 50 or 100 kilowatts of output for home use, and up to 1 megawatt for industrial use. They actually are "power amplifiers" with power outputs of 60 times over input power. Maintenance would be minimal. 

Bombardment of thorium-232 by slow neutrons yields the fissile isotope uranium-233. This process is comparable to the process by which fast neutrons “breed” fissile plutonium-239 from nonfissile uranium-238.. The thorium-uranium fuel cycle is being studied by scientists as an alternative to the uranium-plutonium fuel cycle. 

When you bombard the slightly radioactive heavy metal thorium 232 with neutrons, you convert it to fissionable uranium 233. Instead of water, the reactor circulates thorium tetrafluoride fuel through the reactor core dissolved in molten lithium and beryllium fluoride salts. A small amount of U233—supplies the neutrons that cause fission. Excess neutrons fly off into a surrounding blanket of molten thorium salt to convert more thorium into new U233 fuel, which can then be used to keep the reaction going. Because the molten salt expands when heated, it is inherently safe. The lower density fuel won't support a continuing nuclear reaction. Every stage of this process—fuel loading, neutron management, fuel separation, heat exchange, refueling, and waste separation—has been successfully tested in actual US reactors.


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