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WAR DOG -- Tibetian Mastiff


Whoever let the dogs out, pray like hell they are not Tibetan mastiffs.

These powerful and highly spirited dogs , who CAN IGNORE PAIN , scare away leopards and packs of wolves. They can zig-zag corners with greater differential agility and grace than mountain leopards.

“ Let loose the dogs of war” is actually a true call given by the likes of Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun. 

They had hordes of tenacious and agile Tibetan mastiffs , each weighing more than 100 kilos with their armies. Their booming barks could be heard miles away, terrorising enemy horses. These dogs size up the situation before attacking, and can conserve energy.

There is no other animal on the planet of its like. 

Alexander the Great was presented with one and he took it with him back to Europe. By the way, Alexanders horse was never the same after being terrorised by an elephants roar during a battle in India. Queen Victoria was also presented with a huge one by the Indian Viceroy.

Tibetan mastiffs are the most expensive dogs to own as a pet.  Prices for a trained dog, can go up to  1.8 million US dollars . These dogs have a penchant for cleanliness, like cats.

They have two spots on each inner eyebrow.

These dogs are found only in the Himalayas. They guard the Buddhist monasteries in Tibet. Lack of inter breeding has kept the race pure. 

The dogs are brave , fierce , loyal , elegant and have outstanding intelligence and stamina. Even if the noble and strong willed dog is deliberately kept starved it will not attack the livestock of its master.

At night it loves to bark as is programmed in its DNA, but the moment you take it indoors it stops barking. It has a kind expression as is seen in the picture—notice the mane and the huge bear like head.

Its booming bark contains the mysterious INFRASOUND that freezes blood ( cortisol release affecting neuro transmitters ) due to fear.  Even mountain leopards run away.

It is difficult to train this dog as it is aloof and does not like being bossed around. However it is very eager to please its master and people it knows. 

The opposite holds good with strangers, it will not trust them or eat food if offered.

No wonder this dog has tremendous awe value and holds the respect of all.


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