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Ghost Stories are something which induce that insatiable appetite in us for more. What if you get to relive those ghost stories for real in some dreadful haunted places on earth. These places would really carry you off your feet with that shrill spewing out. So, just keep your fingers crossed..

As children we have heard a lot many fairy tales but with those fairy tales we have also heard some scary ghost stories as well. Well even though we hardly recall the fairy tales but for sure we remember the freaky ghost stories.

Bhangarh Fort / Castle is located on the way to Alwar and Jaipur in Rajasthan in India. As per a legend there was a black magic sorcerer who cursed the residents of the palace that they all would die an unnatural death and their spirits will stay there for centuries to haunt the castle for time immemorial. 

This fort would really freak any living mortal. One can seldom find a temporary household in the close periphery of this fort. Let me reveal you one more fact about this place. The village households found here are without roofs as there persists a popular belief and experience that the moment a rooftop is built on a house it collapses. This is said to be the most freaky place in India. Believe me it is also said that anybody who has been to this place after dusk never comes back !

Bhangarh is a place between Jaipur and Alwar in Rajasthan state of India. Bhangarh is known for its ruins, but still worth a visit; the place is beautiful and tranquil. What remains though, is a shadow of a once beautiful kingdom.

Bhangarh, a deserted town in Rajasthan, was established in 1613 by King Madho Singh, son of great Mughal general, Man Singh of Amber. Bhangarh was abandoned soon after being built and supposedly after it was cursed by a magician.

The Bhangarh Story

The story (and the history) of the Bhangarh began in the year of 1573 when the fortress was established. Built by Raja Bhagawant Das, the ruler of the city of Amber, Bhangarh Fort has become the residence of Madho Singh, ruler's second son who fought alongside his father and brother in many wars. The decline of Bhangarh Fort started in 1630 after Chhatr Singh, son of Madho Singh got killed in a violent attack. The decline continued until 1783 when the fortress and the city were completely abandoned following that year's famine.

Bhangarh Myths
It is said that the city of Bhangarh was cursed by the Guru Balu Nath, causing the towns evacuation. Balu Nath sanctioned the establishment of the town but said: "The moment the shadows of your palaces touch me, the city shall be no more!" Ignorant of such foreboding, one ambitious descendant raised the palace to such a height that its shadowed Balu Nath's forbidden retreat and thus the town was devastated as prophesied. The small samadhi where Balu Nath is said to lie buried is still there.

The other myth is as follows: The charm of princess of Bhangarh Ratnavati was said to be matchless in all of Rajasthan. Being eighteen years old, the princess started getting matrimonial offers from other states. In the same region there lived a tantrik, a magician well versed in the occult, named Singhia who was desperately in love with the princess knowing that he would never be allowed to even see her, let alone meet her. One day, he saw the princess' maid in the market buying scented oil for her. Seeing this, he got an idea by which he could meet the princess. He used his black magic and put a spell on the oil which would hypnotize the princess by her merely touching the oil, and she would surrender herself. The princess foiled this plan though. She had seen the tantrik enchanting the oil, and she therefore threw it away, whereupon the flagon rolled over a stone. As soon as the oil touched the stone, it started rolling towards the wicked tantrik and crushed him. While dying, Singhia cursed the palace with the death of all who dwelt in it, without any rebirth in their destinies. The very next year there was a battle between Bhangarh and Ajabgarh and Ratnavati died.

 Local villagers say that whenever a house is built there its roof collapses.

People say that nobody returned who stayed there after dark. And the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) sign board put up there says, "Staying after sunset is strictly prohibited in this area."

Rocky and Mayur on their visit to Bhangarh, the haunted town in the desert state....while shooting at night the duo witnessed scary incidents....

Deserted places don't scare them, ruined buildings don't haunt them, silent wilderness of forested hills draws their attention and tales of paranormal and supernatural catches their fancies. Revealing haunting stories of the most famous supernatural places all around the country, the famous duo Rocky and Mayur, takes the viewers to an exciting roller coaster ride delving into paranormal accounts and giving goose bumps.

True to the story, only temples dot the landscape and even far up on the mountains only shrines can be seen. People say that nobody returned from there who stayed there after dark. The biggest thing is that as per Govt. of India rules there has to be an office of Archaeology Survey of India (ASI) beside every historical structure in India. But even Government authorities couldn’t dare to open an office there and they opened their office about one kilometer away from the ruins of Bhangarh.

Those who swear by the Bhangarh’s resident ghosts, say that the ASI too is scared of the parnanormal activity associated with the fort; hence the ASI board has been put up at a safe distance from the fort, next to a temple. Many locals and visitors claim that they have witnessed paranormal activities – like sounds of music and dancing and wierd color spots in photographs of chambers.



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