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Nikola Tesla-- The Greatest Scientist to walk this earth

Nikola Tesla is the best man to walk on this planet

Have a look at the  picture of the world at night-- all the lights are lit by 

ALTERNATING CURRENT invented by Tesla. 

Serbian nicola tesla is the greatest genius ever to walk on this planet. he was a greater genius than von neumann or einstein.

His fault was that he would not allow his inventions to be metered , so that the world citizen could be bled. he would not allow his discoveries to be used against mankind. he was denied a nobel prize, for radio transmission and ac electricity. 

marconi and edison ran him down, after all he was just a eastern orthodox serb , a lesser mortal.  vested interests tried to steal his intellectual property again and again, so he kept his scalar wave and free energy inventions inside his head. now it is lost for ever. the world has been set back by 500 years. 

Tesla's name cannot be found in any Physics book of any school. Edison has been wrongly declared as the man who invented Electricity and the bulb. 

Destiny made Tesla and the Indian spiritual master Vivekananda meet in 1903. The meeting was arranged by French actress Sarah Benhardt.

swami vivekananda met tesla in chicago and introduced him to the ZERO POINT ENERGY FIELD , of akasha ( ether ).--the all pervasive sky of quantum energy of the universe.  

He told Tesla that classical science must factor human consciousness in, or be stuck in the mud for ever.

reiki practitioners know what scalar waves can do. crop circles were a huge mystery till one fine day a tesla coil cropped up in a corn field.

Tesla understood the Sanskrit terminology and philosophy and found that it was a good means to describe the physical mechanisms of the universe as seen through his eyes. It would behoove those who would attempt to understand the science behind the inventions of Nikola Tesla to study Sanskrit and Vedic philosophy.

Rudyard Kipling ( born in India ) and Mark Twain also wanted the meeting regarding MIND OVER MATTER , COSMIC FREE ENERGY and the AKASHIK AETHER FIELD to happen. They felt the planet deserved this union of classical science and quantum consciousness.

After the meeting , which forged Tesla's 

professional destiny -- Tesla started using 

Sanskrit words like Akasha for Aether ( Zero 

point field )and Prana in his writings. He 

developed a penchant for Copper Lotas ( 

which Himalayan Yogis use ) and became a 


Despite Tesla’s genius and global occult status , ultimately it was others who made great fortunes based on his inventions. He passed away quietly penniless, alone and virtually forgotten...until now.

Today the international unit of magnetic flux density is called "Tesla". All magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines are calibrated with Tesla Unit (from 0.2 Tesla to 9 Tesla).

But, let's take a look at what Nikola Tesla -- a man who died broke and alone -- has actually given to the world.  For better or worse, with credit or without, he changed the face of the planet in ways that perhaps no man ever has.

1. Alternating Current -- This is where it all began, and what ultimately caused such a stir at the 1893 World's Expo in Chicago.  A war was leveled ever-after between the vision of Edison and the vision of Tesla for how electricity would be produced and distributed.  The division can be summarized as one of cost and safety: The DC current that Edison (backed by General Electric) had been working on was costly over long distances, and produced dangerous sparking from the required converter (called a commutator).  Regardless, Edison and his backers utilized the general "dangers" of electric current to instill fear in Tesla's alternative: Alternating Current.  As proof, Edison sometimes electrocuted animals at demonstrations.  Consequently, Edison gave the world the electric chair, while simultaneously maligning Tesla's attempt to offer safety at a lower cost.  Tesla responded by demonstrating that AC was perfectly safe by famously shooting current through his own body to produce light.  This Edison-Tesla (GE-Westinghouse) feud in 1893 was the culmination of over a decade of shady business deals, stolen ideas, and patent suppression that Edison and his moneyed interests wielded over Tesla's inventions. Yet, despite it all, it is Tesla's system that provides power generation and distribution to North America in our modern era.

2. Light -- Of course he didn't invent light itself, but he did invent how light can be harnessed and distributed.  Tesla developed and used florescent bulbs in his lab some 40 years before industry "invented" them. At the World's Fair, Tesla took glass tubes and bent them into famous scientists' names, in effect creating the first neon signs.  However, it is his Tesla Coil that might be the most impressive, and controversial.  The Tesla Coil is certainly something that big industry would have liked to suppress: the concept that the Earth itself is a magnet that can generate electricity (electromagnetism) utilizing frequencies as a transmitter.  All that is needed on the other end is the receiver -- much like a radio.  

3. X-rays -- Electromagnetic and ionizing radiation was heavily researched in the late 1800s, but Tesla researched the entire gamut. Everything from a precursor to Kirlian photography, which has the ability to document life force, to what we now use in medical diagnostics, this was a transformative invention of which Tesla played a central role.  X-rays, like so many of Tesla's contributions, stemmed from his belief that everything we need to understand the universe is virtually around us at all times, but we need to use our minds to develop real-world devices to augment our innate perception of existence.

4. Radio -- Guglielmo Marconi was initially credited, and most believe him to be the inventor of radio to this day.  However, the Supreme Court overturned Marconi's patent in 1943, when it was proven that Tesla invented the radio years previous to Marconi.  Radio signals are just another frequency that needs a transmitter and receiver, which Tesla also demonstrated in 1893 during a presentation before The National Electric Light Association.  In 1897 Tesla applied for two patents  US 645576, and US 649621. In 1904, however, The U.S. Patent Office reversed its decision, awarding Marconi a patent for the invention of radio, possibly influenced by Marconi's financial backers in the States, who included Thomas Edison and Andrew Carnegie. This also allowed the U.S. government (among others) to avoid having to pay the royalties that were being claimed by Tesla. 

5. Remote Control -- This invention was a natural outcropping of radio. Patent No. 613809 was the first remote controlled model boat, demonstrated in 1898.  Utilizing several large batteries; radio signals controlled switches, which then energized the boat's propeller, rudder, and scaled-down running lights. While this exact technology was not widely used for some time, we now can see the power that was appropriated by the military in its pursuit of remote controlled war. Radio controlled tanks were introduced by the Germans in WWII, and developments in this realm have since slid quickly away from the direction of human freedom.

6. Electric Motor -- Tesla's invention of the electric motor has finally been popularized by a car brandishing his name.  While the technical specifications are beyond the scope of this summary, suffice to say that Tesla's invention of a motor with rotating magnetic fields could have freed mankind much sooner from the stranglehold of Big Oil.  However, his invention in 1930 succumbed to the economic crisis and the world war that followed. Nevertheless, this invention has fundamentally changed the landscape of what we now take for granted: industrial fans, household applicances, water pumps, machine tools, power tools, disk drives, electric wristwatches and compressors.

7. Robotics -- Tesla's overly enhanced scientific mind led him to the idea that all living beings are merely driven by external impulses.  He stated: "I have by every thought and act of mine, demonstrated, and does so daily, to my absolute satisfaction that I am an automaton endowed with power of movement, which merely responds to external stimuli."  Thus, the concept of the robot was born.  However, an element of the human remained present, as Tesla asserted that these human replicas should have limitations -- namely growth and propagation. Nevertheless, Tesla unabashedly embraced all of what intelligence could produce.  His visions for a future filled with intelligent cars, robotic human companions, and the use of sensors, and autonomous systems are detailed in a must-read entry in the Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2006 (PDF). 

8. Laser -- Tesla's invention of the laser may be one of the best examples of the good and evil bound up together within the mind of man.  Lasers have transformed surgical applications in an undeniably beneficial way, and they have given rise to much of our current digital media. However, with this leap in innovation we have also crossed into the land of science fiction.  From Reagan's "Star Wars" laser defense system to today's Orwellian "non-lethal" weapons' arsenal, which includes laser rifles and directed energy "death rays," there is great potential for development in both directions.

9 and 10. Wireless Communications and Limitless Free Energy -- These two are inextricably linked, as they were the last straw for the power elite -- what good is energy if it can't be metered and controlled?  Free?  Never.  J.P. Morgan backed Tesla with $150,000 to build a tower that would use the natural frequencies of our universe to transmit data, including a wide range of information communicated through images, voice messages, and text.  This represented the world's first wireless communications, but it also meant that aside from the cost of the tower itself, the universe was filled with free energy that could be utilized to form a world wide web connecting all people in all places, as well as allow people to harness the free energy around them.  Essentially, the 0's and 1's of the universe are embedded in the fabric of existence for each of us to access as needed.  Nikola Tesla was dedicated to empowering the individual to receive and transmit this data virtually free of charge.  But we know the ending to that story . . . until now?

The greatest scientific discovery in the history of the world has happened over the last few decades and it has gone largely unnoticed because of the great secrecy with which it has been held by all who know of it. It is the discovery of a completely new kind of electomagnetic waves which exist only in the vacuum of empty space, the empty space between the atoms of our bodies as well as the empty space we see in sky at night. All of empty space.
These waves constitute a kind of ocean of infinite energy, and it has now been discovered that this abundant energy can be coaxed to pour into our 3-dimensional world from their 4-dimensional realm, to be used to do work, provide electricity, power all transport, and even heal the body of almost all disease. This is the new world of scalar electromagnetics, the zero-point energy, the energy of the absolute nothingness which existed before the world began.I will write about scalar energy in another post...This was the most important discovery of Nikola Tesla

 Most Tesla technologies are used by military for HAARP (capable of projecting 4 gigawatts of power into the ionosphere to doctor it) , scalar psychotronics ( for mass mind control ), and star wars -- from papers stolen from his hotel room before his dead body could be discovered, by his maid, Alice Monaghan

There is only ONE martyr to science and human progress--- the only scientist with a shining legacy.. One full generation ignored his outstanding achievements , yet Tesla refused to expose cheaters and ignored his patent infringers till he died. 


i also do hope, one day Tesla's graphic face above , will be as popular a graphic for a human body tattoo-- as the face of Che Guevara.  one was full of intelligence, the other was full of spirit.


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